Adventures in StitchArtist: The Magic Wand tool...and more!

Sometimes I just need to do something; that is when I turn to Embrilliance StitchArtist and explore. It is so much fun to look for free images and try to create embroidery. That is how I ended up with this image:

Thank you, Google Images! I'm sorry, I have searched for a credit and cannot find it. So.....
Join me as I play in StitchArtist to digitize this image:

On the video I referenced this graphic for digitizing the stings:
I begin inserting the points at the "block" end of the arrow. The "arrowhead" is the end of the segment. 

I love this embroidery! 

Here are the tools (seen on the StitchArtist 1 toolbar) I used: 

Thanks for joining me in this adventure! Until next time...


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