Adventures in StitchArtist 1-3: Blackwork and Motifs

True confessions: I love hand embroidery; I don't like to DO it, just look at it. Relief on that one! So, as I was Googling different types of handwork, I came across an interesting post on "Craftsy" about Blackwork. (You can find the article here.) The whole article pulled me in, but it was the final question that intrigued me. It asked, "Have you tried blackwork yet?" Guess it is time for another adventure. will you join me?

My search for free clipart took me to which had a great selection of personal use art. I wanted a simple black and white pumpkin outline, like this one:

You can find this image by clicking HERE

So let's begin this adventure which can happen in StitchArtist 1, 2 or 3!

And, there are always scraps of information that seemed to help me. Here they are:

1. Green bow tie is the beginning of the stitch sequence. Red bow tie is the end.
2. Using the motif fill, don't worry so much about the ins and outs. 
3. After setting the line stitches go back and check where your sections begin and where they end, different styles may change the location!

I look forward to sharing more scraps of my adventures with you soon! Until then, keep sorting the scraps so that you can generate the gems!


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