Adventures in Stitch Artist: Create an in the hoop quilt block

I am a person who likes to push my toys to the "let's see limits." But, it has taken me a LONG time to arrive at creating quilt blocks in the hoop of my Janome 15000. Did I think it possible? Yes. Did I try it? Yes. Did I love it at first? No. But, I have long been a more traditional quilters and had to rethink the art. And I have....with the help of Embrilliance StitchArtist software.

It is so easy to create the basic block using the provided StitchArtist Outline shapes. You will be amazed! I was! So, join my latest adventure in creating my own basic quilt in the hoop block.

But, before I embark on my journey I must clarify a couple of things:

  • This block is intended to be joined without sashing---all batting is trimmed away.
  • As it stands it is pretty plain jane; but we will use it for more over the coming weeks and months. 
  • If you wish to save the BASIC block (without stippling) save your file as "8_inchBASIC" before you add the stipple fill to the outline. This will hopefully become clear as you watch the video. 
  • I apologize at the length. I just am so excited about this that I had to share it all. And I apologize that my brain and mouth were not always in sink (I think I needed a nap!) 

Thank you for joining me....let's begin this journey!

Until next time! Keep sorting those scraps and generating the gems!


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